
Monday, 12 May 2014

Apple Push Notification On IOS,IPhone Using C#

 Working Example Push Notification On IOS Uing C#

using JdSoft.Apple.Apns.Notifications;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public void Ios_Push_Notification(String SenderName, Int32 SenderID, Int32 ReceiverID, String  TextMessage)
        bool sandbox = true;

        //Put your device token in here

        string testDeviceToken = "3b717cfe826825daa6ee3d8756de8a101ba5f46d5de35d3730748dbac976d2uy";

        //Put your PKCS12 .p12 or .pfx filename here.
        // Assumes it is in the same directory as your app
        string p12File = Server.MapPath("~/Key.p12");

        //This is the password that you protected your p12File
        // If you did not use a password, set it as null or an empty string
        string p12FilePassword = "123";

        //Number of notifications to send
        int count = 1;

        //Number of milliseconds to wait in between sending notifications in the loop
        // This is just to demonstrate that the APNS connection stays alive between messages
        int sleepBetweenNotifications = 3000;

        string p12Filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, p12File);

        NotificationService service = new NotificationService(sandbox, p12Filename, p12FilePassword, 1);

        service.SendRetries = 5; //5 retries before generating notificationfailed event
        service.ReconnectDelay = 5000; //5 seconds

        service.Error += new NotificationService.OnError(service_Error);
        service.NotificationTooLong += new NotificationService.OnNotificationTooLong(service_NotificationTooLong);

        service.BadDeviceToken += new NotificationService.OnBadDeviceToken(service_BadDeviceToken);
        service.NotificationFailed += new NotificationService.OnNotificationFailed(service_NotificationFailed);
        service.NotificationSuccess += new NotificationService.OnNotificationSuccess(service_NotificationSuccess);
        service.Connecting += new NotificationService.OnConnecting(service_Connecting);
        service.Connected += new NotificationService.OnConnected(service_Connected);
        service.Disconnected += new NotificationService.OnDisconnected(service_Disconnected);

        Dictionary<string, object> rows = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        JavaScriptSerializer objSerializable = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        List<Dictionary<string, object>> list = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
        Dictionary<string, object> row = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        rows.Add("Result", "Success");
        rows.Add("SenderName", SenderName);
        rows.Add("SenderID", SenderID);
        rows.Add("ReceiverID", ReceiverID);
        rows.Add("TextMessage", TextMessage);

        String postDatas = objSerializable.Serialize(rows);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            //Create a new notification to send
            Notification alertNotification = new Notification(testDeviceToken);

            alertNotification.Payload.Alert.Body = postDatas;
            alertNotification.Payload.Sound = "default";
            //Queue the notification to be sent
            if (service.QueueNotification(alertNotification))
                Console.WriteLine("Notification Queued!");
                Console.WriteLine("Notification Failed to be Queued!");

            //Sleep in between each message
            if (i < count)
                Console.WriteLine("Sleeping " + sleepBetweenNotifications + " milliseconds before next Notification...");

        Console.WriteLine("Cleaning Up...");

        //First, close the service.
        //This ensures any queued notifications get sent befor the connections are closed

        //Clean up

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");

    static void service_BadDeviceToken(object sender, BadDeviceTokenException ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Bad Device Token: {0}", ex.Message);

    static void service_Disconnected(object sender)

    static void service_Connected(object sender)

    static void service_Connecting(object sender)

    static void service_NotificationTooLong(object sender, NotificationLengthException ex)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Notification Too Long: {0}", ex.Notification.ToString()));

    static void service_NotificationSuccess(object sender, Notification notification)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Notification Success: {0}", notification.ToString()));

    static void service_NotificationFailed(object sender, Notification notification)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Notification Failed: {0}", notification.ToString()));

    static void service_Error(object sender, Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Error: {0}", ex.Message));

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